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Medicine Waste in Care Homes Project

This project, funded through Q Exchange by the Health Foundation and NHS England, will use the SusQI approach to explore the environmental and social impacts of medicines waste in care homes. We aim to generate innovative solutions in line with CQC environmental sustainability expectations that inspire action across the healthcare system. 

Working with staff in care homes, general practice and pharmacies, we will measure environmental impact, reduce medicine waste, free up staff time, and create guidance and ideas to embed improvements. 

What is the challenge your project is going to address and how does it connect to the theme of ‘How can we improve across system boundaries?  

Medicine provision to care homes is a complex process requiring regular communication across the interface between care homes, general practice, and community pharmacy. Workload is high; medicines management processes are complex, time consuming and high risk. Sites are physically remote from each other, adding to communication challenges. 

Medicines and inhalers comprise 23% of the overall NHS carbon footprint. Approximately £50 million worth of unused medicines are disposed of annually by care homes. The financial cost is well documented; environmental and social impacts are less well understood. Limited accountability for medicines costs, and inefficient interface prescription processes may contribute to the problem of avoidable waste. 

We propose using the expertise of the Q community and a collaborative approach between care homes, general practice and community pharmacy to identify and address interface challenges. The focus on environmental and social impacts of avoidable medicines waste re-frames this into a compelling problem urgently requiring solutions. 

What does this project aim to achieve?

We aim to: 

How will the project be delivered?

We have identified several key collaborators across Integrated Care Systems in England, who will undertake local recruitment of teams, facilitate communication, and support practical aspects of the project locally, such as stakeholder and process mapping. The team at CSH will work closely with care home, general practice and pharmacy teams to: 

  1. Environmental – carbon footprint of medicines waste and packaging, pharmaceutical pollution risks. 
  2. Social – safety, staff time, local impacts of waste. 
  3. Financial – cost of medicines, disposal costs. 

How is the project going to share learning?

CSH are leading experts in sustainable healthcare. We have developed education on sustainable specialties and have experience of working with professional bodies and the Q Community to utilise and share knowledge.  We will develop educational resources on sustainable care home medicines management including: 

Headshot Nuala Hampson

Please contact Nuala Hampson, CSH’s Pharmacy Lead and Senior Educator, for more information or if you have any questions.