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Inspire • Empower • Transform

Much of the funding for our core costs is provided by donations and project-focused support. Our goal is to inspire, empower and mobilise decision-makers, staff, patients and carers to reduce healthcare’s carbon footprint. We promote four core approaches: maintaining people’s health/slowing the progress of illnesses; providing patient-centred care; developing leaner pathways of care and reducing the carbon impacts of care.

Thank you so much for supporting our work

A regular donation will really help our team to achieve the goal of sustainable healthcare. CSH has already influenced government policy, led innovative healthcare research and projects, contributed to curriculum change in UK medical schools, won awards for the NHS Forest project and been cited in the influential Marmot Review for the Clinical Transformation Programme.

Thank you so much to all who have donated for your continued support.

By remembering the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare in your will, you’ll leave an enduring gift that makes a real difference. Your legacy gift will make a lasting mark on the world and help our charity to support sustainable transformations to the UK health system, and influence others internationally, benefiting both people and the environment.

Our Tree Sponsorship Programme costs £10 per tree, which covers the cost of the tree, biodegradable stake and guard, and delivery. It also contributes to the NHS Forest network, allowing us to continue supporting NHS sites across the UK in maximising their green spaces.

CSH is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of sustainable practices within the healthcare sector and has a range of programmes and projects that are cutting carbon, reducing the healthcare sectors burden on the environment and improving patient care. Your donation is essential in keeping these, and future projects alive.