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CSH’s NHS Forest sites planted 2 trees at 2 o’clock on NHS Sustainability Day

Several NHS sites planted two trees at 2 o’clock – 2@2 – to mark NHS Sustainability Day 2016 – March 24th. These hospitals are part of the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare’s NHS Forest project, which helps healthcare organisations make greenspace at NHS sites available for people’s wellbeing. The NHS Forest sites include: Broadgreen Hospital, part of the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital Trust, who planted wild cherry trees; Darent Valley Hospital, part of Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust; Guernsey healthcare who planted at Princess Elizabeth Hospital; and Gloucester Care Services NHS Trust, who planted 10 trees.  North Bristol Hospital (pictured) also planted trees with support from Carillion. North Middlesex Hospital planted trees for 2@2 as well, and this site has also won the London Garden Society Award for Large Gardens in the London Hospitals Competition.