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New funding announced for a project supporting fitter families in Banbury

The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is excited to be partnering with Cherwell District Council on a new project in Banbury. Thanks to funding from Sport England, the Council will be involving families in a programme of fun, physical activities, starting this summer. CSH will be coordinating the various partners involved in this new scheme, including the local housing association, schools, GP surgery, Leisure Centre and County Council. 

Part of CSH’s work centres on keeping people healthy, preventing illness so that they don’t need to access healthcare services in the first place. Preventative healthcare reduces the need for the NHS to step in and so saves costs and avoids healthcare producing carbon and waste. Physical activity is a vital part of preventative healthcare – in fact it has been called a ‘miracle cure‘ by NHS Choices! 

This new four year project will see CSH create stronger links with GPs in Banbury so that they can refer local families to physical activities more easily, and we’ll also be building an evidence base by coordinating monitoring and evaluation of this new scheme.

For more information please see Cherwell District Council’s Press Release