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The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is joining the 2.6 challenge

The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) joins The 2.6 Challenge, a nationwide fundraising campaign launched in response to COVID-19 to save the UK’s Charities.

Any funds raised by CSH will be used to buy trees to plant at our 190+ NHS Forest sites across the UK. These will enhance natural outdoor spaces at hospitals and health centres, allowing people to enjoy green space at NHS sites for therapy, rehabilitation and relaxation.

This is particularly important right now, as the spread of COVID-19 is naturally causing high levels of stress and anxiety amongst doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers. The British Medical Association has reminded NHS staff of the importance of looking after each other, as well as their patients, and has advised staff to call on tried and tested coping strategies, such as taking a break in fresh air.

Our NHS Forest sites are perfect as outdoor sanctuaries and oases of calm at this hectic time. You can read more about these wonderful woodland sanctuaries here.

More about the 2.6 Challenge

From Sunday 26th April 2020, the 2.6 Challenge is encouraging people across the UK to dream up an activity based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 and fundraise by donating or drumming up sponsorship for charities. Our 2.6 Challenge Just Giving page is here

Here are 26 ideas for fun activities. These include …
•    Finding 26 items that start with each letter of the alphabet
•    Drawing 26 rainbows
•    Building the biggest lego tower in 2.6 minutes
•    Walking 2.6 miles around your garden
•    Walking for 26 minutes in the garden
•    Or you find more inspiration here.

The campaign will launch on Sunday 26th April 2020 – what should have been the date of the 40th London Marathon – and will last for a week. The 2.6 Challenge is open to anyone of any age – the only requirement is that the activity must follow the Government guidelines on exercise and social distancing and remember to stay local. 

We would welcome support for our work at this vital time:

1.    If you can take on a challenge and source some sponsorship, that would be great.
2.    If you’d like to donate separately that is wonderful as well.
3.    Please do share details of CSH’s 2.6 Challenge through your networks – social media, meetings, etc!

The 2.6 Challenge team is working hard to secure match funding for donations so that they can be maximised. So, any support that you can give will definitely make a difference. 

If you can support our charity through the 2.6 Challenge – thank you!
And, as many of our network members and supporters are working in the NHS, thank you for everything that you are doing.