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Growing Sustainable Healthcare via Connecting Q locally

We are proud to announce that we have been successful in winning an award from the Health Foundation as part of their ‘Connecting Q Locally’ initiative. 
The key aims of the project are:
1. to raise awareness of the importance of sustainability, which is a vital dimension of quality improvement, with those working to improve health and care quality.
2. growing a collaborative community in sustainable healthcare, focussed on the online ‘Sustainable Healthcare Special Interest Group’ (part of the Health Foundation’s Q Community

We will be running webinars throughout the next 12 months, spotlighting hot topics in sustainable healthcare and showcasing beacon case studies.  The webinars will be supported by teaching materials that participants can use in their own departments and organisations to spread the knowledge and insights they’ve gained.  There will be time for discussion and connecting with others as part of the webinars.

We will be launching the project very soon and will keep you updated. 
In the meantime do consider joining our special interest group via the Q Community site (do join Q first if you’re not already a member).