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The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is going to COP26

In November, the UK hosts COP26 in Glasgow, bringing world leaders together to address climate change. Through the representation of 10 members of our network, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) is attending the ‘Blue Zone’ negotiations and presidency programme events as an official observer. This enables us to analyse the impact of presidency programme plans and negotiation outcomes, propose targets and solutions, and enhance transparency. 

What is COP26?

COP26 is the 2021 United Nations climate change conference. This year marks the summit’s 26th anniversary, giving it the name COP26. The UK is collaborating with every country in the run-up to COP26 to find an agreement on how to combat climate change. World leaders will convene in Scotland for twelve days of negotiations with tens of thousands of negotiators, government officials, corporations, and individuals.

Why is COP26 important for the health community?   

The climate emergency is a health emergency. Human health is dependent upon the health of the planet. In 2009, the first UCL-Lancet Commission on Climate Change and Health concluded that climate change is the most significant public health threat of the 21st century, with the WHO predicting wide-reaching and catastrophic health consequences of a global temperature rise of over 2 degrees. It is estimated that 250,000 deaths a year between 2030-2050 will be caused by climate change, mostly due to malnutrition, malaria, diarrheal disease and heat stress. The health impacts of climate change will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable, including children, ethnic minorities, older populations and those with chronic illness.   

At COP26, the UK is aiming to secure a global plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. According to the most recent IPCC report, limiting global temperatures to below the crucial threshold of 1.5 degrees will require a 45% reduction in global carbon dioxide emissions by 2030. The most recently declared emission reduction targets made by countries in the run up to COP26 would see a 16% increase in global greenhouse gas emissions which would lead to a 2.7 degree rise by 2100. 

There is still hope. The IPCC report states that there is still an opportunity to keep global temperatures below a 1.5 degree rise with rapid emission reductions. This will have significant health co-benefits. Recent research has shown that climate action consistent with the Paris Agreement could save 1.18 million air pollution deaths, 5.86 million diet-related deaths and 1.15 million deaths due to physical inactivity, with even greater savings made where a heath in all climate policies approach is applied. 

As health professionals, we owe the population a duty of care now and for future generations. 

What is CSH doing at COP26 

With over a decade of experience in sustainable healthcare research and practice, CSH is well-placed to represent the health community at the COP26 negotiations and demand urgent, ambitious and concrete action from our world leaders to tackle climate change as a global public health threat.  

Through the representation of 10 members of our network, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) will attend the ‘Blue Zone’ negotiations and presidency programme events as an official observer. This will enable CSH to analyse the impact of presidency programme plans and negotiation outcomes, propose targets and solutions, and enhance transparency. Alongside this, CSH will attend select Presidency events, which are focused on accelerating urgent action to secure global net zero by 2050.  

Rachel Stancliffe, Founder and Director of the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare said:  

“We are excited to attend COP26 and to have the opportunity to input to the ongoing work to support all countries to align urgently on targets and timeframes that will enable healthy human life to continue on our planet. CSH has been developing and testing methods and resources for change within healthcare for over 13 years and we intend to share these internationally as quickly as possible to transform health systems for a sustainable future.”

What we want COP26 to achieve 

 What are our specific demands ?

As leaders in sustainable healthcare, we also have demands that relate specifically to the mitigation and adaptation goals of COP26, within which transitioning to environmentally sustainable healthcare systems is a key priority. We call on governments and health sector leads to: 

  1.  Invest in the transition to environmentally sustainable healthcare systems to ensure all health systems are Net Zero by 2040 
  2. Develop and fund expertise and infrastructure for the transition to environmentally sustainable healthcare systems  
    1. Curriculum change and education  
    2. Specific budgets for Green Plans/sustainability teams in hospitals  
    3. Invest in solutions with longer-term returns  
    4. Prioritise research into sustainable solutions  
    5. Integrate sustainability into commissioning, regulation and legislation  
    6. Collaborate with all players in the supply chain to de-carbonise medical devices and pharmaceuticals  
  3. Prioritise a nature-based approach to health system change which is disease-prevention and health-promotion focused 
    1. The benefits to health of good quality, biodiverse green space should be recognized by all healthcare organisations.  
    2. All staff and patients at healthcare sites should have access to green space for their wellbeing   
    3. Green space should be used as a resource for prevention, health promotion, treatment and rehabilitation in both physical and mental health. 

How can CSH support these demands? 

CSH focuses on how to make sustainable changes to all parts of the health system including education, research, commissioning and practice. With over a decade of experience developing networks, resources and case studies in sustainable healthcare, CSH is in a unique position to offer practical solutions which reduce financial costs as well as greenhouse gas emissions associated with healthcare and are transferable to other countries. Through our innovative programmes we can: 

  1. Invest in the transition to environmentally sustainable healthcare systems to ensure all health systems are Net Zero by 2040
    1. We provide support to healthcare organisatons to asses their systems using the triple bottom line approach which is a key tool for securing financial investment.   
  2. Develop and fund expertise and infrastructure for the transition to environmentally sustainable healthcare systems  
    1. We educate the health workforce on sustainable healthcare principles and work with standard-setters to incorporate sustainability into education for healthcare curriculum    
    2. We run introduction and advanced courses on sustainability in healthcare    
    3. We work with healthcare organisations to transition models of healthcare through our Sustainability in Quality Improvement program, Specalities Program, Green Ward competitions and Carbon Foot printing expertise  
  3. Prioritise a nature-based approach to health system change which is disease-prevention and health-promotion focused  
    1. We run pilot projects which demonstrate how green space can be used as a resource for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in both physical and mental health.   
    2. We work to ensure that all staff and patients at healthcare sites and the wider community have access to green space for their wellbeing.  

 Stay up to date during COP26 

To increase transparency and feedback to the health community, throughout the COP26 summit, CSH will publish a daily recap blog summarising the latest developments, health implications, and potential solutions. 

To stay up to date, you can: 

  1. Sign up to receive our newsletter to receive our weekly COP26 recap 
  2. Follow our Twitter, linkedin and facebook to hear our daily COP26 news  
  3. Join our sustainable specialty networks to join the discussion