The whole dental team are respected voices and are ideally positioned to educate, advocate, model and lead sustainable change for the environment.
We are excited to announce that the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has worked with NHS England elearning for healthcare to refresh our Environmental Sustainability in Dentistry sessions. The module will support dental care professionals, including those working in primary and secondary care, to implement changes in practice, and to educate colleagues and patients on environmental sustainability.
Considering the environmental impact of our work can feel overwhelming at a time when there is so much uncertainty and stress levels are high. However, since human health and the environment are closely linked, healthcare providers must consider the environmental impact when providing care for patients. It’s hard now, but it will be even harder later. All dental staff, from dentists and hygienists, to nurses, technicians and non-clinical colleagues, can lead change in reducing emissions – contributing to better oral health and reduced oral health inequalities for our communities.
Our refreshed elearning module supports colleagues to consider what steps you can take towards environmentally sustainable oral health and dental care. Comprising 3 sections that include practical examples of oral health and dental care initiatives with sustainable value, the refreshed elearning covers:
- environmental sustainability in dentistry
- what is happening in sustainable dentistry
- taking the next step
Sustainable healthcare means delivering care in a way that maximises positive health outcomes whilst avoiding financial waste and harmful environmental and social impacts. By helping to prepare dental care professionals to implement changes in practice that reduce cost and pollution while improving dental health, this training can support colleagues to deliver high-quality care while minimising damage to the environment.
Accessing the elearning:
The Environmental Sustainability in Dentistry module can be accessed on the elearning for healthcare hub.
To find out more about the wider Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare elearning programme, please visit the programme page on the elearning for healthcare hub.