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Why CSH And the WHO believe that ‘Your Health Is Your Right’ on World Health Day 2024

World Health Day 2024 is a day dedicated to global health awareness under the sponsorship of the World Health Organisation. Celebrated every year on the 7th April. The theme for this year is ‘My Health, My Right‘, a theme chosen to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services, education, and information, as well as thinking about the wider issues of the right to access safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental conditions and freedom from discrimination.

What is CSH doing for World Health Day 2024?

At CSH, we believe that everyone has the absolute, fundamental right to the best quality healthcare, and that open access knowledge to help support you to make informed choices is key. By empowering patients with the knoweledge and tools they need to make informed decisions, each individual can take control of their own health and wellbeing. 

That is why as part of World Health Day 2024, CSH is advocating for your right to make decisions about your own health. As part of this year’s ‘my health, my right’ theme, chosen to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services, education, and information, CSH is continuing its work in making healthcare more sustainable and more accessible. That is why our resource library and networks platform are free and open to everyone, everywhere, no exceptions. If you would like to learn more about sustainable healthcare to support your decisions about your own health or to help others in your community do the same, join our networks and browse thousands of free resources and posts.

See A Taster Of Our Resources And Network Posts Below:

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation trusts Chief Medical Officer, Adrian Flynn, expects that by 2029 50% of services could be delivered in a non-clinical space. This case study on our Networks will let you find out how and take you on a journey through your own healthcare expectations.

Come and learn more about the environmental impacts of the pharmaceuticals we are prescribed every day and what changes we can make.

Check out this short video by Asthma + Lung UK to help make more informed decisions on your inhaler routine and if you or someone you know has been prescribed an inhaler and you need more information or have a question, come and start a conversation on this post