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Net Zero Leadership Training For Boards

Senior leaders have a key role in inspiring the widespread culture and behaviour change necessary to achieve sustainable transformation across an organisation.  This interactive training package is tailored to local requirements and designed to equip board members and system leaders in healthcare to lead, accelerate and measure change.  

What is the CSH Net Zero Leadership Training for Boards?

The Net Zero Leadership Training for Boards is an interactive workshop that empowers board-level staff with the knowledge and skills to drive sustainable transformation across their organisation. It focuses on their role in the NHS Net Zero Plan, the unique challenges of sustainability leadership, and strategies to inspire, lead, and measure change. Tailored to local needs, this session equips leaders to meet the expectations for achieving Net Zero.

What does the Net Zero Leadership Training for Boards involve?

Following an initial briefing session with the lead commissioner to gather background information, you can expect to receive: 

A bespoke pre-workshop briefing paper covering: 


A 2-hour workshop focused on strategies to accelerate sustainable transformation and refine or operationalise your local green/decarbonisation plan. 

Follow up session

This 1-hour follow-up session, typically 3-6 months after the workshop, to review progress, discuss challenges and possible mitigation, and agree next steps. 

This is an opportunity to gain viewpoints from across the organisation, to share good practice and ideas and also to receive expert guidance from the facilitators on how you as an organisation can make a contribution in tackling this huge challenge. 


Headshot Rachel Stancliffe

Rachel Stancliffe, Director

Rachel worked on public health initiatives in the UK, Georgia and Kazakhstan before helping to develop The Cochrane Library. She has a degree in Human Sciences (Oxford) and a Master’s degree in demography and epidemiology (London School of Economics). 

Headshot Dr Hayley Pinto

Dr Hayley Pinto, Education and Training Lead

Hayley was a lead consultant addiction psychiatrist with nearly 30 years of experience in the NHS and publicly-funded services.  She is senior honorary lecturer at Norwich Medical School and is involved in climate education, outreach, and activism. Hayley has a degree in psychology and completed general practice training before pursuing a career in psychiatry.

Headshot Chris Naylor

Chris Naylor, Policy Lead 

Chris has a background in health policy and research. He is a Senior Fellow at the health policy think tank, The King’s Fund, and has an MSc in Public Health. He is an experienced facilitator and coach. 

Headshot Nuala Hampson

Nuala Hampson, Lead Pharmacist 

Nuala Hampson is a pharmacist with a background in education, general practice and sustainable healthcare. She worked as a clinical pharmacist in general practice for over 20 years and postgraduate pharmacy education for 15 years and is an experienced facilitator. Nuala is a member of Pharmacy Declares, a group of climate-conscious pharmacy professionals, and co-chairs the UK Sustainability in Pharmacy Education group. 

Elaine Mead, CSH Associate 

Elaine has enjoyed over 35 years’ experience working in clinical, senior management and executive board level roles within the National Health Service across the UK, with her last role as CEO in the North of Scotland. Elaine now works independently as Leadership Faculty for the Institute of Healthcare Improvement and Lead European Faculty for Catalysis, currently coordinating supporting Executive Leaders across Northern Europe. 

How much does the Net Zero Leadership Training for Boards cost?


For up to 16 participants


For 17-24 participants 


For 25-32 participants 

If you are an individual involved in healthcare leadership, but not able to book for multiple board members, please join the Sustainable Healthcare course to develop your leadership plan. 

Ready to book?

Headshots Natalie Oman

Please contact our dedicated education team for more information or to to discuss your specific needs and preferred workshop dates.