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Sustainable maternity care: Taking collective action to deliver low carbon, equitable maternity care

CSH is partnering with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition (SHC), and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) to deliver the project “Taking collective action to deliver low carbon, equitable maternity care”.

This year-long project launched in April 2024 and aims to engage the multi-disciplinary maternity community through studying the maternity care pathways, highlighting carbon and health inequity hotspots, supporting maternity teams to run QI projects to tackle these hotspots, and bringing the whole community together to discuss how the findings can influence future maternity care.

As the project progresses, we will share how people can be involved with:

  1. Applying to be part of the RCOG Patient and Public reference group for the project
  2. Inputting into pathway mapping
  3. Applying to run a QI project to test pathway changes – through the Green Maternity Challenge 2024
  4. Attending project events to feed into the process and learn about findings

If you’re interested, make sure you are signed up to the CSH Women’s Health Sustainability Network as all project updates will be shared there.

Learn more about our project and the other winners of the SBRI Healthcare Competition 24 here.

This work was commissioned and funded by SBRI Healthcare. SBRI Healthcare is an Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) initiative, in partnership with the Health Innovation Network. The views expressed in the publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of SBRI Healthcare or its stakeholders.