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Sustainable respiratory care

25,000 people a year die of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in the UK alone and the NHS spends £420 million a year directly on treating COPD with an estimated 1 tonne of CO2e per episode. In 2012, CSH was funded for a year by GSK, to run a project to improve the environmental sustainability of respiratory medicine, focusing in particular on COPD. 

The project began by bringing together respiratory professionals, representatives from primary care, nursing, academic and the pharmaceutical industry at a Sustainable Respiratory Care summit, chaired by respiratory consultant, Dr Rob Winter. We focused on the environmental impact of COPD services, showing how the inclusion of environmental protection as a key driver alongside cost and quality of care can encourage innovation and ultimately produce a service which is preventative, personalised and efficient and makes best use of low carbon technologies. Opportunities explored ranged from lower carbon inhalers to better integration of primary, secondary and emergency care.

Following on from the Summit, a Sustainable Respiratory Care advisory group was established, which identified three priority areas for research:

  1. Inhalers
  2. Early detection/prevention (by smoking cessation and physical activity) and
  3. Home oxygen therapy

The Centre’s Sustainable Respiratory Care group has led research on why the UK continues to use inhalers with a much higher carbon footprint than other European countries. Following the Montreal protocol banning the use of CFC gases in 1987, many countries moved directly to a new technology for inhalers based on Dried Powder (DPIs) while the UK still prescribes a majority of metered dose inhalers (MDIs) which use powerful greenhouse gases and contribute as much as 5% of the total NHS carbon emissions.  

Sustainable respiratory care course

This foundation course offers an overview of the relationship between human health and the climate and ecological crises, with a focus on respiratory health. It demonstrates how the health system is vulnerable to, but also contributes to, climate change and ecological degradation, examines the specific contribution of inhalers to carbon emissions and other environmental impacts and explores how to develop a more sustainable approach to respiratory healthcare whilst maintaining or improving quality of care. 

Respiratory care sustainability network

The Respiratory Care Sustainability Network is a place for clinicians to come together and share ideas and resources about sustainable healthcare.