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Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI)

CSH is working to make sustainability a part of all Quality Improvement education and practice in healthcare in the UK and internationally. 

Sustainability is often seen as separate from clinical and financial priorities, and that is a significant problem. Staff are often unsure how to relate sustainability to their practice and lack the time and skills to bring about change. However, today’s healthcare staff are rightly expected not just to provide excellent patient care, but to contribute to systematically improving healthcare services, using a process called Quality Improvement (QI). 

Making sustainability part of QI empowers staff with the knowledge and tools to address environmental and social challenges in healthcare as a core part of professional practice, using a recognised method for change.

Headshot Dr. Frances Mortimer

You can build environmental and social sustainability into any improvement project using CSH’s open-access SusQI toolkit. Read about SusQI in action and get inspiration from well over 100 SusQI project reports in our case library. 

For more support, sign up to our Sustainability in Quality Improvement course. You will learn to apply SusQI in your setting to identify high-impact areas for change, practise using tools, and explore up-to-date case examples. The course features self-study, interactive workshops, and follow-up ‘work in progress’ sessions, with a strong emphasis on sharing learning and networking. 

Through the SusQI Academy, CSH provides bespoke support to healthcare organisations and education institutions to embed sustainability into their QI programmes and celebrate success. Organisations that have successfully embedded sustainability into their QI education and practice can gain recognition as a SusQI Beacon Site, joining sites in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

The Green Team Competition is an award-winning programme in sustainable healthcare that transforms knowledge into action. It uses SusQI to empower healthcare organisations to bring sustainability and healthcare together, working directly with teams to improve clinical outcomes and equity, reduce organisational costs and demonstrate low carbon care. 

The Green Specialty Challenge is a national programme to stimulate engagement, innovation and greater understanding of environmentally preferable options within a specialty. The Challenges demonstrate knowledge into action, and publicise impact clinical teams can have through practical, achievable changes.

CSH works to influence QI policy, education and practice both in the UK and internationally. Please find out more in our dedicated partnership section if you would like to partner with us on scaling sustainability in QI.   

Headshot Dr. Frances Mortimer

If you would like to learn more about SusQI, have any questions at all or wish to engage in one of our award winning programmes, please contact Dr Francis Mortimer, CSH’s medical director.