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NHS Sustainability Day 2021: how to take action as an individual, team or trust

What a year to be thinking about the sustainability of the NHS. All of those of us working within our National Health Service have a huge amount to be proud of given the progress made in terms of NHS sustainability despite the strain on health services caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Thank you all for the work you have been doing despite the challenging conditions. 

What is NHS Sustainability Day?

This day firstly provides a platform to showcase some of the work happening in the health sector and secondly offers an opportunity to suggest ideas to NHS employees on actions to take on a range of topics, from nutrition to energy production. 

For 2021, NHS Sustainability Day has been moved to 4th June to link in with World Environmental Day. This acknowledges that sustainable development not only relies on social and financial sustainability but also fundamentally includes environmental issues. 

What is happening on the day?

In keeping with the rest of this year’s switch to virtual events, the Sustainability Day of Action 2021 will be hosting live webinars on 4th of June

The organisers have invited industry leaders, sustainable business developers and influencers for sustainable development to discuss new technologies, innovations and strategies that we should implement within the NHS to become a more sustainable organisation.

What actions can I take for NHS Sustainability Day?

Aside from the actions promoted by the NHS sustainability team, we would also like to share some ideas from the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare that you can take on NHS Sustainability Day.

As an individual

Complete this free environmentally sustainable healthcare module on the e-Learning for Healthcare Platform, and/or register for one of our courses in sustainability, health and healthcare.

As a team

Start a quality improvement project to improve sustainable healthcare delivery using the free SusQI website learning resources.

As a trust

Ask your trust to run a Green Team Competition, an award-winning, tried & tested leadership and engagement programme to transform healthcare by cutting carbon, improving patient care and staff experience, and saving money. You can view previous impact reports here.

Tag us on social media @sushealthcare with your NHS Sustainability Day actions!

By Dr Rosie Spooner, CSH QI Education Fellow.