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Green Ward Competitions announced at Leeds and Royal Devon and Exeter Trusts

Two new Trusts have started their sustainable healthcare journey by running a Green Ward Competition with CSH. 

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust wanted to take their sustainability work in waste and facilities to the next level by engaging clinicians through the Competition. The first round of workshops have been run already. One project involves improving stock control to reduce wastage of medical instruments unnecessarily brought into contamination rooms from the Infectious Diseases Ward. Another project developed involved reducing medicine wastage from phamaceuticals as a result of delayed clinical trials.

The Royal Devon and Exeter  NHS Foundation Trust has also started a Green Ward Competition to complement their behaviour change and sustainability communications programme. The Competition has received so much interest that we are currently selecting the wards with the highest resource usage to maximise effectiveness.

Previous Green Ward Competitions have led to yearly savings of over £90,000 and 25 tonnes of CO2e. To run a Green Ward Competition visit or email Louis at