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50,000 healthcare staff join the net zero movement with our e-learning session

We are thrilled to announce that almost 50,000 healthcare staff have taken our Building a Net Zero NHS e-learning session on Health Education England’s e-learning for Healthcare (HEE eLfH) platform. 
This e-learning session, developed by CSH in partnership with HEE eLfH, equips healthcare staff with the knowledge and skills to deliver healthcare that is financially, socially, and environmentally sustainable.
As part of NHS England’s commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2040, the Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare programme covers how healthcare contributes to the climate crisis, why it matters for health, and what the healthcare workforce can do to help. The programme consists of three e-learning sessions: 

  1. Building a Net Zero NHH
  2. Environmental Sustainability in Quality Improvement
  3. Environmental Sustainability in Dentistry

Each session takes about 30 minutes to complete, and upon completion, certificates are available for download.

Module users have appreciated the artist-designed animated films, the real-life case studies and tips for how to contribute to Trust Green Plans in your area of work. – Stefi Barna, CSH Education Director 

Interestingly, over 86% of staff at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust have gone through the module. It’s a great model for how to get your whole workforce up to speed on the reasons for the NHS England Net Zero Plan, and the opportunities it provides for offering better care at lower cost.  – Dr Frances Mortimer, CSH Medical Director

The module tells the story of the learning journey that many of us have had.  A hospital clinician discovers information about the health effects of climate change and the role of the healthcare sector in producing global warming.  She asks her supervisor about the hospital’s policy, learns about Greener NHS’s world-leading plans for a net zero carbon health service and shares case studies of all the work already going on.  At the end of the module, she inspires colleagues to commit to ‘triple-bottom line’ initiatives that can save money, save carbon and improved patient outcomes.   
This programme is open to all UK-based healthcare staff, join the 50,000 healthcare staff who have completed the e-learning session to equip yourself with knowledge and skills to support sustainable healthcare practices. Register for this e-learning module and find additional information here.