This quarter, seven new Sustainability Fellows have joined CSH’s Sustainable Specialties programme. These Fellows are provided a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about sustainability, cultivate leadership and quality improvement skills, and contribute to an exciting new dimension of healthcare. When they return to clinical practice, they become life-long ambassadors for sustainability in their specialty.
Dr. Emily Parker, a junior doctor working at the Great North Children’s Hospital in Newcastle, has joined us as our Sustainability Fellow in Paediatric Medicine. She has a background in Social Anthropology and has provided medical care to refugees across Europe as a volunteer. She has an interest in the relationships between migration, public health and climate change. During her fellowship year, which is funded by the Newcastle Hospitals Charity, she plans to focus on sustainable paediatric asthma care, green spaces, and carbon footprinting medicines.
Dr. Joshua Cartwright, a doctor working at the Northern Centre for Cancer Care in Newcastle upon Tyne, has joined us as our Sustainability Fellow in adult Oncology. He has a background in physics and worked in the energy sector before studying medicine. His interests lie at the intersection of transport, health and the environment. During his fellowship year, supported by Newcastle Hospitals Charity, Joshua will carbon footprint patient pathways within the Oncology service and identify improvement opportunities.
Mr. Ife Osinkolu, a general surgery trainee from Wales, has taken a year out of training to be the Welsh Clinical Leadership Fellow in Sustainable Healthcare. He will work on quality improvement projects aimed at increasing the use of low-carbon alternatives in surgical settings and promoting sustainable healthcare within the NHS, contributing to the effort to reach the ambitious goal of net-zero carbon emissions in NHS Wales by 2030. His fellowship year is funded by Health Education Improvement Wales and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.
Through Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber Future Leaders Programme, Dr. Jenny Girdler is taking a year out of oral surgery specialty training to join us as our Clinical Leadership Fellow in Net Zero/Sustainability in Dentistry. Jenny has a particular interest in embedding sustainability into dental training programmes through education, quality improvement projects and curriculum reform.
Dr. Becca Elson has joined us as our Sustainability Fellow in Anaesthesia/ICU. During her fellowship year, funded by the East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust, she will investigate the carbon footprint of anaesthesia and how we can improve our practices in operating rooms and intensive care units to reduce the environmental impact of healthcare.
Ms. Michelle Dunning, from the Hywel Dda University Health Board, is undertaking a sustainability fellowship in value-based healthcare. Her Bevan Exemplar project, VIPAR (Virtual Pulmonary Rehabilitation), has earned national and international awards and has been presented at the Senedd and the Planetary Health Alliance Conference (2018). Michelle encourages collaborative working and has a keen interest in the principles of sustainable clinical practice. She is committed to supporting clinical teams in Wales deliver and demonstrate sustainable value-based healthcare.
Dr. Alice Clark joins us as our Sustainability in Quality Improvement Education Fellow. She is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who, since CCST, has worked in The Gambia, Liberia and Sierra Leone as a specialist and educator, and with Chelsea and Westminster NHS trust and Betsi Cadwaladr NHS trust as a locum consultant. She will be supporting the CSH’s SusQI Education project, which seeks to promote and support the inclusion of SusQI into postgraduate and undergraduate clinical education. Alice has a background in climate activism and is currently working with other obstetricians and the RCOG to create a movement towards sustainable obstetric care.
These fellows will join Dr. Jason Gandhi, our Environmentally Sustainable Anaesthesia Fellow, who is leading the Desflurane Reduction and Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging System Projects, and Dr. Robin Baddeley who has contributed to the recently published European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses and Associates (ESGENA) Position Statement.