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Our work in specialties

Learn how our specialty-led approach inspires leadership for change and integrates sustainability into clinical practice

The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has pioneered the approach of working with clinical specialties to address their particular sustainability challenges, inspiring leadership and producing practical changes within the healthcare system. Clinical specialties are uniquely placed to address the environmental sustainability of services – from the design of the clinical pathway to the organisation and delivery of care.  

Doctor showing that CSH Projects have a direct impact on clinical best practice and patient care

The CSH specialty-led approach combines research focused on environmental and equity hotspots with support for local change, underpinned by wider engagement with national leaders, patients, and relevant clinical bodies. In addition, we run specialty-specific online courses, develop education programmes and host specialty networks through our Sustainable Healthcare Networks platform. 

Anaesthetic gases have a significant effect on climate change, contributing up to 2% of the NHS carbon footprint or 5% of an acute hospital’s carbon footprint. CSH has worked with partners to find ways to reduce the carbon footprint of anaesthetic practice.

CSH sustainable specialties help clinical areas become more sustainable

CSH has hosted a number of dentistry Scholars who have worked on projects to raise awareness and increase understanding of sustainability among dental health professionals.

CSH has been pioneering research on sustainable kidney care since setting up the Green Nephrology programme in 2009. One of our biggest current projects is KitNewCare, using kidney care as a demonstrator for sustainable healthcare across Europe,

CSH is collaborating with the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Midwives to engage the whole maternity care community in making services more sustainable and equitable.

Working closely with the Royal College of Psychiatrists since 2010, CSH led the call to make mental health services more sustainable with sustainability Fellows and Scholars working on a wide range of projects.

CSH has developed strategic research, resources and academic courses to enable occupational health professionals to make their daily practice more sustainable.

CSH co-led early work in sustainable respiratory care beginning in 2012, and has continued to support education and research in the field.

CSH has helped to shape the field of sustainable surgery, creating the first Fellowship in Sustainable Surgery (held by Dr Chantelle Rizan in 2018-21), co-delivering the Green Surgery Challenge 2021 and contributing to the Green Surgery Report.

Medicines, inhalers and anaesthetics have a significant effect on climate change, contributing up to 25% of the NHS carbon footprint. CSH is working with partners across health and social care to explore ways of supporting a more sustainable approach to medicines use and reducing the impact of medicines waste. CSH has developed resources and academic courses to enable pharmacy professionals to make their daily practice more sustainable. 

The Green Specialty Challenge is a national programme to stimulate engagement, innovation and greater understanding of environmentally preferable options within a specialty. The Challenges demonstrate knowledge into action, and publicise impact clinical teams can have through practical, achievable changes.

As part of our Sustainable Specialties programme, CSH has supported and on occasions hosted Fellows and Scholars. These Fellows and Scholars gain a unique opportunity to learn about sustainability, develop skills in leadership and quality improvement, and contribute to an exciting new dimension of healthcare. On return to clinical practice, they become life-long ambassadors for sustainability within their specialty.

CSH Sustainable Guide to Public Health