Fellows and Scholars

Our dedicated fellows and scholars have worked alongside CSH to contribute to projects and research that has had a significant impact on the role of sustainability in healthcare. On return to clinical practice, they become life-long ambassadors for sustainability within their specialty.
SusQI and education fellows and scholars
Shashank Kumar

Shashank is a Senior Lecturer (on leave) at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, India. During his fellowship he worked closely with the CSH Education team.
- Supported the design and launch of CSH’s online sustainability courses
- Completed a doctoral research project on how doctors’ sustainable healthcare efforts in England can inform similar change efforts in medical education and training at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
Following the Fellowship, Shashank project-managed the launch of the Green Surgery Report (a collaboration between UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, Brighton and Sussex Medical School and CSH).
- Doctor’s efforts to reform medical practice in England for climate change mitigation: Insights for implementing medical education and training reforms. University of Toronto doctoral thesis. Read more here and download the full report and summary of how doctor’s efforts between 2008 and 2020 have resulted in institutionalisation of sustainable healthcare as a key priority for the NHS in England from our Networks page.
- Green Surgery Report.
Summary: Shashank’s work has been integral not only for the understanding of what doctors have done in order for sustainability to become mainstream but also to show practically how this learning can be used to influence medical education and training.
Dr Victoria Stanford

Having trained as a doctor at Severn Deanery and completed a Masters of Public Health at the French National School of Public Health(EHESP) Victoria joined CSH as our SusQI Education fellow.
- Supported the delivery of CSH’s Sustainability in QI Education project, including teaching, faculty development and evaluation at beacon sites
- Co-developed and taught the SusQI and Teaching SusQI CSH online courses
- Developed the SusQI module of the Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare E learning (eLFH)
- Wrote chapter on SusQI for the Oxford Handbook of Quality Improvement in Healthcare
- Wrote guidance on climate and health page for the gov.uk website. Climate and health:applying All Our Health
Peer-reviewed articles
- Stanford V, Barna S, Gupta D, Mortimer F. (2023) Teaching skills for sustainable health care. The Lancet Planetary Health 7 (1) E64-76
- Spooner R, Stanford V, Parslow-Williams S, Mortimer F, Leedham-Green K. “Concrete ways we can make a difference”: A multi-centre, multi-professional evaluation of sustainability in quality improvement education. Medical Teacher, 44(10) 1116-1124
- Stanford V, Clack A, Mortimer F, Leedham-Green K. Strategies for implementing Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) education: educator perspectives.
Victoria’s work was vital in embedding SusQI in teaching and curricula around the UK and in furthering the understanding of how to teach SusQI and talk to students and health professionals about climate change and actions they can take.
Dr Rosie Spooner

Dr Rosie Spooner took up the post of QI Education Fellow at CSH when a Paediatric Trainee (St5) in Severn Deanery.
- Supported the delivery of CSH’s Sustainability in QI Education project, including teaching, faculty development and evaluation at beacon sites
- Teaching at King’s College London to help integrate SusQI into their teaching programme
- Designing the SusQI website
- Contributing to the e-learning for healthcare module on sustainable healthcare and teaching on the CSH courses
- Developing and co-leading the Paediatric Sustainability Network
Peer-reviewed articles
- Spooner R, Clack A, Parslow-Williams S & Mortimer F (2022) Empowering students and health worker to take action on climate change. Medical Teacher, 45(4): 444-445
- Spooner R, Stanford V, Parslow-Williams S, Mortimer F, Leedham-Green K. “Concrete ways we can make a difference”: A multi-centre, multi-professional evaluation of sustainability in quality improvement education. Medical Teacher, 44(10) 1116-1124
- Spooner R, Glover Williams A & Roome C. (2022) Improving the environmental sustainability of paediatric care. Archives of Disease in Childhood – Education and Practice, 108(3): edpract-2021-322933
- Issa R, Baker C, Spooner R, et al. (2021) Mapping the movement for climate change and health in England: a descriptive review and theory of change analysis. Perspectives in Public Health, 141(6):328-337
- What do the COP26 negotiations mean for children and young people? in RCPCH Insight
- Sustainable Healthcare on the Sustainable Mind podcast
- Sustainable Respiratory Health on the Gas Exchange podcast
- A Day in the Life of an Education Fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare blog
Rosie’s influential work led on the integration of SusQI into universities and postgraduate education programmes for doctors and health professionals. She created the SusQI website to host SusQI resources, developed education materials and founded the Paediatric Sustainability Network. Her work with Kings College London integrating SusQI into their teaching programme was shortlisted as a runner up for the Green Gown Awards for sustainability in higher education.
Dr Ayoma Ratnappuli

Ayoma is an HIV/Genitourinary Medicine specialist registrar. Ayoma is working alongside the team to embed and spread SusQI into undergraduate and postgraduate education.
Dr Alice Clack

Alice is a consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. During her fellowship she supported the CSH SusQI team to promote and support the inclusion of SusQI into undergraduate and postgraduate health professions education.
Dr Stuart d’Arch Smith

Dr Stuart d’Arch Smith was a specialist registrar in psychiatry with South London and Maudsley NHS trust. He helped launch the Sustainability in QI Education project.
Surgery fellows and scholars
Dr Chantelle Rizan

Chantelle used her fellowship to lead the way on lifecycle analysis of reusable vs single use surgical equipment and to carbon footprint the most common operations in the UK and operating theatres themselves.
Mr Ife Osinkolu

Ife was a general surgery trainee and worked on quality improvement projects that increased the use of low carbon alternatives within surgery and promoted sustainable healthcare within the NHS.
Dentistry fellows and scholars
Jenny Girdler

Employed by Health Education Yorkshire through the Future Leaders Programme
- Embedding sustainability into dental training through: i) Incorporating Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) into Yorkshire and Humber postgraduate dental curriculum ii) Gathering and communicating data about the environmental and ecological impact of dentistry iii) Liaising with senior stakeholders and contributing to consultations to support more sustainable dental practice
- Relaunching and leading the Dental Care Sustainability Network enabling over 300 members to share learning and disseminate successful dentistry sustainability initiatives both nationally and internationally
- Ensuring sustainability principles were incorporated into the GDC’s Safe Practititioner Framework for Dental Nurses and Special Care Dentistry training curriculum
- Sustainability episode on Oral Surgery Podcast
- Sustainability in the NHS- what can we do in our practice? Yorkshire and Humber Trainee Forum Newsletter Dec 2022
- Susqi showcase presentation video: Integrating SusQI education within Yorkshire and Humber Dental Core Training
Jenny took a year out of oral surgery specialty training to undertake a full-time fellowship in leadership for sustainability. She designed a strategy for embedding carbon literacy into dental training and engaged in numerous projects to influence national and regional curricula. Ahe re-energised the Dental Health Sustainability peer Network and brought the field of sustainable dentistry a leap forward.
Amarantha Fennell-Wells

Fellowship undertaken with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, and Health Education Improvement Wales.
- Sustainable Healthcare Education – integration of sustainability into trainee projects, curricula and quality improvement training
- The Nitrous Oxide Project – working nationally and internationally towards reduction and mitigation of nitrous oxide use and waste
- Green Health Wales – co-founding network and hosting launch event
- Sustainable Action Group – Advisory role for Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
- Sustainable Dentistry – Co-authoring the CSH Sustainable Dentistry course and book chapter for publication
Peer-reviewed articles
- Griffin L, Brennan F, Fennell-Wells A (2022) A comparison of the sustainable value of general aneasthesia versus spinal anaesthesia for elective day-case surgery. Association of Anaesthetists Winter Scientific Meeting 2022
- Fennell-Wells, A., & Chakera, A (2021) Delivering the Nitrous Oxide Project: A Case for Collaborative Leadership. BMJ Leader 2021; 5: A6
- Introduction to Sustainable Healthcare, A Welsh Perspective: Video
- Nitrous Oxide Project Lunch & Learn Launch instructional video
- Guest lecturer for Phoenix MedEd Student Group: Video
- Editor for interview with Dragon’s Heart Institute
- Guest speaker on DragonBytes Podcast
Policy Impacts
- Contributed to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s Sustainable Action Plan
- Welsh Government NHS Wales Decarbonisation Strategic Delivery Plan v1 March 2021: inclusion of nitrous oxide waste mitigation as part of key targets to be achieved when managing medical gases
- Evidence provided to Chakera’s Medical Gas Mitigation Policy Report for the Greener NHS
Amarantha was the first Welsh Leadership Fellow in Sustainable Healthcare. Her inspiring work saw Green Health Wales and the Nitrous Oxide Project launched, established and included in policy documents, and sustainability embedded into quality improvement, curricula and postgraduate dental core training. Amarantha was shortlisted for the BMJ Environmental Award 2021 and awarded the Barema & Association of Anaesthetists Environment Award for Anaesthesia 2021 as part of Chakera’s implementation team.
Darshini Ramasubbu

Darshini is a practising dentist who had recently completed her Masters in Dental Public Health, and worked on developing a guide for dental practices and exploring the inclusion of sustainability in dental education.
Sara Harford

Sara is a practising dentist working for the community dental service and in general dental practice, with a special interest in anxiety management and conscious sedation. Through this scholarship hosted by CSH and Health Education England she explored ways dental care provision can become more sustainable.
Dr Devika Vadher

Devika joined CSH to undertake projects in Kent, Surrey and Sussex promoting the role of sustainability in the provision of dental care. She is a practising dentist and Dental Public Health core trainee and, in addition to the Scholarship, was concurrently studying for an MSc in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene.
Dr Divya Verma

Divya is a dentist working within community and prison dental services. Among her achievements as Sustainable Dentistry Scholar 2015-16 was the successful integration of sustainability across a number of the e-Learning for Healthcare dentistry modules. Other sustainable dentistry interests include the collection/recycling of nitrous oxide, and tele-dentistry.
Cancer care fellows and scholars
Dr Fatima Tahir

Fatima is a junior doctor working at the Northern Centre of Cancer Care in Newcastle. Her fellowship is run by Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, with support from CSH. Her primary focus revolves around mitigating the environmental impact associated with pharmaceuticals, such as finding eco-friendly, low-carbon alternatives while actively working towards minimizing medicinal waste. Additionally, she is engaged in carbon footprint analysis of patient pathways within the oncology service, seeking out opportunities for improvement in our environmental sustainability practices.”
Louise Davey-Hewins

Louise is an Oncology dietitian linking together sustainability, improved patient care and staff wellbeing. She has a dual role working clinically as a Head and Neck Specialist Dietitian for London North West University Healthcare Trust and as a Green scholar at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre just outside London. She is currently working on a project to reduce the carbon footprint of the Head and neck radiotherapy pathway, with a focus on reducing the impact of enteral feeding.
Joshua Cartwright

Joshua is a doctor working at the Northern Centre for Cancer Care in Newcastle upon Tyne. His interests lie at the intersection of transport, health and the environment. During his fellowship year supported by Newcastle Hospitals Charity, Joshua carbon footprinted patient pathways within the Oncology service and identified opportunities for improvement.
Anaesthesia and ICU fellows and scholars
Dr Jason Gandhi

Employed by Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals
Funded by the Association of Anaesthetists
Peer-review articles
- Efficiency of inhaled anaesthetic recapture in clinical practice. Comment on Br J Anaesth 2022; 129: e79–81
- Gandhi, J. and Baxter, I. (2022), The accuracy of ventilator logbooks in calculating environmental burden of inhalational agents. Anaesthesia, 77: 1304-1305
- Jason Gandhi, Iain A. Walker, Patient monitoring techniques, Surgery (Oxford), Volume 40, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 370-377
Non-peer review articles
- Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) of a Mapleson circuit as an example of a common piece of single use equipment used within anaesthetics
- Flow of admissions to intensive care from general theatre recovery
- Anaesthesia News Sustainability Edition co-editor February 2022
- World Anaesthesia Day blog on fellowship
- Association for Peri Operative Practice , the innovation, people and practice magazine. January 2023. Issue 31.
Summary: Jason produced and facilitated an International Anaesthetic sustainability course, re-introduced the green star award for national anaesthetic conferences, authored a number of publications in high impact journals, worked with industry to assess novel technologies to mitigate climate impact, investigated current practices to reduce environmental burden, presented at national conferences, and worked with anaesthetists across different sites to investigate the applicability of volatile capture devices Jason played a role in the decommissioning of Desflurane as this process required an intense amount of research to negate any perceived clinical benefit in its use, and demanded a shift in culture
Dr Becca Elson

Employed by East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust
- Removal of piped nitrous oxide from Colchester theatres (except maternity). This project saved up to 596,000 Kg CO2e, nearly £6,000 financial saving plus maintenance costs and inspired enthusiasm for sustainability in the hospital. Patient care and outcome was maintained.
- Removal of Desflurane from Colchester Hospital Anaesthetic department. This project saved up to 142,000 Kg CO2e and gave over £15,000 financial benefit. Patient care and outcome was maintained.
- Switching from single use cardboard to reusable drug trays. This project saved 10,422 Kg CO2e annually and over 32,000 trays were saved from incineration. The financial benefit came in at over £1,500 a year. Staff felt enthused and saw what could be achieved. Patient care and outcome was maintained.
- Introduction of recycling in theatres and ICU. This piece of engagement work saw education for staff and increased disposal and recycling bins. Staff were pleased with this change. Having a fellow to drive these much wanted changes was valued.
- Carbon footprinting TIV A vs Sevoflurane general anaesthetic. This work is due to be published.
- Carbon footprinting Sevoflurane with LMA general anaesthetic vs Prilocaine spinal anaesthetic. This work is due to be published.
Becca undertook a raft of practical projects with the support of CSH, which showed how practical changes can be made and inspired colleagues to get involved. Her work carbon footprinting various anaesthetic methods, and projects showing how to replace Desflurane and reduce Nitrous Oxide wastage have contributed to the growing evidence and awareness of sustainability in ICU and Anaesthesia.
Dr Chris Allen

Chris undertook the Fellowship in Environmentally Sustainable Anaesthesia with the CSH and the Association of Anaesthetists in Newcastle upon Tyne. Chris continues to promote strategies to reduce the impact of anaesthesia on the environment, with areas of focus including nitrous oxide usage, alternatives to anaesthetic gases, and reusable vs disposable equipment.
Dr Cathy Lawson

Cathy’s interest in environmental sustainability took off when she was elected as a member of the Group of Anaesthetists in Training (GAT) committee at the Association of Anaesthetists (AoA). Cathy sat on the AoA Environmental Task group for three years, and through this learnt about how the anaesthetic speciality impacts on the environment and sustainability.
Endoscopy fellows and scholars
Robin Baddeley

Robin is a specialist registrar in gastroenterology, and research fellow at St Marks and Kings College Hospitals. He is undertaking a dedicated period of research on the topic of sustainability in endoscopy.
Kidney care fellows and scholars
Dr Rosa Montero

Employed by St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- In the acute dialysis unit at St George’s University Hospital and satellite units Rosa’s project adopted online priming of haemodialysis lines, offered dialysis nearer to Patient’s homes, addressed waste disposal procedures, moved to paperless systems and reduced items in fistula on/off packs.
- Consultation and co-authoring advice for the Trust’s new low carbon renal building
- As T year academic lead Rosa reviewed the curriculum to incorporate Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) throughout the course and helped organise Green Week at the Trust
- Sitting on the working group to develop sustainability within the UK Kidney Assocation and NHS blood and Transplant
Dr. Rosa Montero is a Kidney Consultant at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Her scholarship focused on driving sustainable changes in dialysis and kidney transplantation locally and nationally. Her strong leadership influenced a wide range of practitioners to adopt greener kidney care across different settings.
Gareth Murcutt

Employed by Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
- Switching dialysis units to central acid concentrate delivery systems: Conducting a cost-benefit analysis and evaluating the carbon footprint of dialysis acid concentrate. Demonstrating the Triple Bottom Line benefits of delivery via central acid concentrate versus the traditional 5-litre can
- A sustainability calculator was developed by Gareth and is freely available to use
- Murcott, G., Hillson, R., Goodlad, C. & Daenport, A. have a paper currently in peer review with a nephrology journal
- Gareth’s project featured in a BMJ article: How to save £20,000 and 780 staff hours a year on a single ward- by making one climate friendly change
Gareth is an experienced Renal Technical Manager at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. During his scholarship, his work highlighting the triple wins associated with transferring to central acid concentrate delivery is helping other dialysis services develop business cases for similar projects and supporting the phased removal of 1:34 acid concentrate in the UK.
Dr Andy Connor

Funded by NHS Kidney Care. Partnership organisations included the British Renal Society, the Renal Association, the Association of Renal Industries and the National Kidney Federation.
- Calculating the carbon footprint of a renal service in the UK.
- Calculating the carbon footprints of home and in-center maintenance hemodialysis in the UK.
- Developing the Green Nephrology Network (now called the Kidney Care Sustainability Network) and recruiting staff representatives in 80% of UK kidney units.
- Examining the use of telephone consultation clinics to provide follow-up to renal transplant recipients.
- Conducting a national survey of environmental practices and attitudes in renal units in the UK
- Publishing four detailed case studies and how-to guides of sustainable renal practice
Peer-reviewed articles
- Connor A, Mortimer F, Higgins R. (2011) The Follow Up of Renal Transplant Recipients by Telephone Consultation: Three Years Experience from a Single UK Renal Unit. Clinical Medicine, 11(3): 242-246.
- Connor A, Lillywhite R, Cooke MW. (2011) The Carbon Footprints of Home and In-centre Maintenance Hemodialysis in the UK. Hemodialysis International, 15: 39-51.
- Connor A (2011) Green Nephrology: reducing kidney care’s carbon footprint. British Journal of Renal Medicine, 16(1): S13.
- Connor A, Lillywhite R, Cooke MW. (2010) The Carbon Footprint of a Renal Service in the United Kingdom. QJM, 103: 965-975.
- Connor A, Mortimer F. (2010) The Green Nephrology Survey of Sustainability in Renal Units in England, Scotland and Wales. Journal of Renal Care, 36(3): 153-161.
- Connor A, Mortimer F, Tomson C. (2010) Clinical Transformation: The Key to Green Nephrology. Nephron Clinical Practice, 16(3): c200-c206.
- Connor A, Milne S, Owen A, Boyle G, Mortimer F & Stevens PE. (2010). Toward Green Dialysis: A Case Study to Illustrate and Encourage the Salvage of Reject Water. Journal of Renal Care, 36(2): 68-72.
- Connor A. (2010) The Climate or Kidney Care – Which One Should We Change? Journal of Renal Nursing, 2(6): 266-269.
- Connor A, Thomson M, Mortimer F. (2010) Green Waste Management for Renal Medicine Units. British Journal of Renal Medicine 15(2): 7-11. (register to access)
- Somner J, Connor A & Benjamin L. (2010) Eyes, economics and the environment: should green issues drive changes in ophthalmic care? –Yes. Eye 24, 1309–1311 (2010).
- Connor A, Tomson C, Mortimer F. (2009) Renal medicine can take the lead in greener healthcare. British Journal of Renal Medicine, 14(4):19-22. (register to access article)
- Projects featured in BMJ news article: “NHS could save £1bn by adopting green strategies used in kidney units” (2013)
- Contributed to Green Nephrology Summit 2010
- Presented at the Renal Association Annual Conference May 2010: Campbell F, Milne S, Connor A, Stevens P. (2010) Heat exchangers in HD machines achieve significant environmental and cost savings.
- Two BMJ Learning Modules published online in November 2010: 1) Climate change and health: the role of the healthcare professional; 2) Climate change and health: the basics of climate science and the impacts of climate change.
In 2009, Andy became the first ever Sustainable Specialties Fellow. He founded the Green Nephrology network (now called the Kidney Care Sustainability Network) to facilitate sustainable practice within renal services and undertook pioneering research into the carbon footprint of haemodialysis as part of his MD at Warwick University. Andy received the Green Nephrology Award 2010 on behalf of the Green Nephrology Project Board in recognition of his contribution during the year.
Dr Luis de Mello

Luis is a doctor based at Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, in the North East of England, who has been selected as a Scholar in Sustainable Kidney Care as part of CSH’s and UKKA’s group scholarship programme. He has a background in Diagnostic Radiography and studied medicine at Newcastle University.
Joanne Martin

Joanne is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner who works in Renal Services at the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust. Joanne has been selected as a Scholar in Sustainable Kidney Care as part of CSH’s and UKKA’s group scholar programme to look at the patient pathway in peritoneal dialysis, identifying hotspots and looking at ways of improving the carbon footprint.
Dr Sharan Chugani

Dr Sharan Chugani is a renal specialist registrar at Swansea Bay University Health Board with experience working across a variety of hospitals across Wales. He has been appointed as a Scholar in Sustainable Kidney Care as part of CSH’s and UKKA’s group scholar programme, and is an active member of the green community in his health board.
Dr Tara Collidge

Tara continued the work in kidney care through a six-month Fellowship in 2010. She supported ongoing work by Green Nephrology local representatives, documented additional case studies, organised a joint meeting on telemedicine with the RSM Nephrology Section.
Paediatrics fellows and scholars
Dr Emily Parker

Employed by Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Co-developed the CSH Child Health online course with CSH staff
- Project to measure the carbon emissions associated with liquid and capsule amoxicillin. Winning the 2023 SHARE (Sustainable Healthcare Academic Research and Enterprise) conference oral presentation prize
- Project engaging children and staff in green space co-design
- Project to reduce the carbon footprint of inhalers including updating pathways and leaflets
- Published abstract: Parker, E. et al. 729 EcoKidzmed: Measuring the carbon emissions of packaging, distribution and waste disposal of liquid and capsule amoxicillin. Archives of Disease in Childhood 108
- BMJ article Why learning to swallow pills is good for patients, parents and the planet BMJ 2024;384:e076257
- BMJ Doctor informed Podcast– sustainability isn’t just about waste management
Emily used her year-long fellowship to contribute to the literature on the carbon footprint of pharmaceuticals and how clinical decision-making can reduce this. Her hard-work in engaging multi-disciplinary teams and healthcare users delivered successful projects across many areas.
Dr Emma Vittery

Emma has worked as a paediatric and clinical genetics doctor in the North East and is undertaking a joint fellowship with Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. In collaboration with the local Wildlife Trust Emma is running an ‘Eco Influencers’ project with young people facing barriers to nature connection. She is also coaching a project to reduce smoking on hospital grounds and hoping to focus on sustainability within paediatric asthma care and infant feeding.
Dr Stacey Harris

Stacey is a paediatrician and Welsh Clinical Leadership Fellow in Sustainable Healthcare 2021/2022. She has an enthusiasm for quality improvement (QI) work and a keen interest in Medical education, in 2019 she co-founded a paediatric medical education podcast called DragonBytes. Stacey used her fellowship to embed sustainability within quality improvement training and medical education.
Value based health care fellow and scholars
Michelle Dunning

Michelle works in Hywel Dda University Health Board as a Senior Project Manager for Value Based Health Care. Michelle encourages collaborative working and has a keen interest in all four Principles of Sustainable Clinical Practice.
SFERIC (Sustainability Fellowship for Engagement, Research, Innovation and Co-ordination) fellows and scholars
Laura Burton

Laura was an ENT registrar at Cardiff and Vale Health Board and a leadership fellow. Laura’s project looked at Sustainable ENT: fractured nose manipulation with a local aneasthetic pathway. A protocol was created for a local anaesthetic procedure as a response to COVID and find a sustainable alternative to general anaesthetic. The changes gave an estimated carbon saving of 4608kgCO2 e per annum and financial savings of £27,337.
Jackie Reynolds

Jackie was a pharmicist with a Respiratory MSc who worked in primary care. Her project was “Turning Blue Inhalers Green- High Quality low carbon Asthma Care”
Sian Jones

Sian was an operational manager in the clinical, diagnostics and therapeutics clinical board. She investigated how to improve awareness of sustainability across clinical diagnoses and therapeutics and support sustainability projects.
Vanessa Curtis

Vanessa was a nurse, with a background in adult nursing, vascular surgery and dermatology.
Catrin Simpson

Catrin was a community paediatric constultant and lead for sexual assualt referral. Her project explored the environmental impacts of acute sexual assault medical examinations and identified areas for carbon efficiency savings.
Jennifer Jenkins

Jennifer was an Anaesthetic Operating Department Practitioner looking at sustainable choice in the theatre environment.
Anna Gilfedder

Anna was a CT1 in Anaesthetics at University Hospital Wales with an interest in supply chains and single-use materials
Jessica Notzing

Jessica worked in ICU and renal medicine and looked at attitudes to waste disposal. Jane worked on the development of a sustainable central venous surgical insertion pack.
Jane Boult

Jane was a procurement business manager in Wales shared services partnership with a focus on supply chains. Jane worked to establish a carbon emissions baseline and outline the impact procurement could have within NHS Wales.
General Practice fellows and scholars
Dr Jonathan Rocks

Jonathan is a GPST3 trainee. Currently based in Somerset, he is very keen to discover more about sustainability in primary care and in turn have an impact in this area. Jonathan is on the South West GP trainee committee and also represents trainees at the Somerset LMC. He has recently completed an MSc in topical medicine and international health.
Dr Charlie Kenward

Through the scholarship, Charlie worked with the National Union of Students to lead the development of Green Impact for Health, an online evidence-based toolkit for sustainable action in general practice. He also formed a quality improvement team within his own practice which ran a project to improve the pre-operative care pathway for their patients.
Psychiatry fellows and scholars
Dr Daniel Maughan

Funded by the Royal College of Psychiatrists
- Establishing a national discourse around the sustainability of mental health services
- Gaining commitment from leading organisations in mental health to promote sustainability
- Authoring high-impact reports, national guidance and publications, and presenting these regionally, nationally and internationally
- Completing Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree program, with dissertation on measuring the triple bottom line in mental health services
- Founding and establishing Psych Susnet (now known as the Mental Health Sustainability Network)
Peer-reviewed articles
- Maughan DL, Lillywhite R & Cooke M. (2016) Cost and carbon burden of long-acting injections: a sustainable evaluation. BJPsych Bulletin, 40(3): 132-136.
- Maughan DL & Davison P. (2015) The need for sustainable psychiatry. The Lancet Psychiatry, 2(8): 675-677.
- Maughan DL, Patel A, Parveen T, Braithwaite I, Cook J, Lillywhite R & Cooke M. (2015) Primary-care-based social prescribing for mental health: an analysis of financial and environmental sustainability. Primary health care research & development, 1-8.
- Malhotra A, Maughan DL, Ansell J, Lehman R, Henderson A, Gray M et al. (2015) Choosing Wisely in the UK: the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges’ initiative to reduce the harms of too much medicine. BMJ, 350: h2308.
- Maughan DL & Berry HL (2015) Mind games: standing by while the world ignores climate change. BJPsych International, 12(2): 29–30.
- Maughan DL, & Pearce M. (2015). Reducing non-attendance rates in community psychiatry: a case for sustainable development? BJPsych International, 12(2): 36–39.
- Yarlagadda S, Maughan DL, Lingwood S & Davison P. (2014) Sustainable psychiatry in the UK. The Psychiatric Bulletin, 38(6): 285–90.
- Maughan DL, Berry H & Davison P. (2014). What psychiatrists should know about environmental sustainability and what they should be doing about it. International Psychiatry, 11(2): 27-30.
- Maughan DL (lead author) (Oct 2015) Guidance for commissioners of financially, environmentally, and socially sustainable mental health services. Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health
- Maughan DL (lead author) (March 2015). Sustainability in Psychiatry. Occasional Paper. Royal College of Psychiatrists Press.
- Maughan DL & Ansell J (lead authors) (Nov 2014). Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Report: Protecting resources, promoting value: a doctor’s guide to cutting waste in clinical care.
- Maughan DL & Gibbs R (lead authors) (Sep 2014). Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Report: Facing the future; Sustainability for Medical Royal Colleges.
- Maughan DL. (2014) BMJ Blogs: What has climate change got to do with mental health?
- Maughan DL. (2013) A sustainable future. Mental Health Practice, 17(4), 13–13.
- Maughan DL, Wallace S & Lillywhite R. (2014) Clinical practice: key to meeting the NHS’s energy targets. Health Services Journal.
Presentations/TV and radio
- May 2015 – BBC World News & Radio 5 Live: Interviewed about the Choosing Wisely Programme
- Nov 2014 – BBC News 24 & Fourteen BBC Regional Radio stations: Interviewed about the Protecting resources, promoting value report
- Oct 2015 – Royal College of Nursing. Launch of the JCP-MH Sustainability Commissioning Guide
- Oct 2014 – RCPsych National Sustainability Summit. Why Sustainability?
- Oct 2014 – Personality Disorder National Conference. Are Personality Disorder Services Sustainable?
- Oct 2014 – Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Sustainability in Medical Royal Colleges Launch. The state of Sustainability.
- July 2014 – RCPsych International Congress. Sustainability and Parity of Esteem.
- June 2014 – Choosing Wisely Roundtable, Amsterdam. Reducing Clinical Waste in the NHS.
- July 2013 – RCPsych International Congress. Key Note: Sustainability; the New Frontier.
- Mar 2013 – Sustaining Psychiatric Services. Prestigious Lecture Series, RCPsych
Daniel took two years out of specialist training in psychiatry to become a full-time Fellow with CSH, while studying for an MD at Warwick University. His publications, presentations and national leadership moved the sustainability of mental health provision into the spotlight, with mental health organisations pledging to promote sustainable practice and commissioning of services. Daniel founded Psych Susnet (Mental Health Sustainability Network) and established it with over 200 members. Daniel’s work in designing policy to think sustainably, environmentally and ethically has been recognised with a President’s Medal from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Dr Emma Brandish

Dr Emma Brandish was a higher trainee in General Adult Psychiatry, based in Salisbury. Her scholarship was hosted by Wiltshire County Council working with both the local Public Health team and the Clinical Commissioning Group. She focused on quality improvement, behavioural change and the comorbidity between mental health problems and substance use.
Dr David Gregory

David was a higher trainee in General Adult Psychiatry working in Brighton for Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. He explored a sustainable approach to mental health service commissioning with Brighton and Hove CCG.
Dr Shiva Marjani

Shiva was a higher trainee in Psychiatry of Learning Disabilities in Oxford. She was one of five Scholars working one day per week on sustainability in mental health in 2016-17, and applyied sustainability principles to the bio-psycho-social model of psychiatric care, as well as in clinical leadership and management.
Dr Suhana Ahmed

Suhana was a dual higher trainee in old age and adult psychiatry, based in South London. Through the Scholarship, she worked with Brighton & Hove CCG to incorporate aspects of sustainability into their commissioning for homeless people.
Dr Oliver Bashford

At the time of his scholarship, Oliver was an ST6 in Older Adult Psychiatry, based in South London. His special interest is in sustainable healthcare and through the Scholarship he worked with City and Hackney CCG to implement a sustainable approach to commissioning in the mental health crisis pathway.
Dr Mike Pearce

Mike was a Higher Trainee in Psychiatry. He helped contribute to the Sustainability in Psychiatry Occasional Paper 57, and did research on reducing local did-not-attend rates.