Sustainable Mental Healthcare

Developed in collaboration with the Royal College of Psychiatry Planetary Health and Sustainability Committee, this short 3-part foundation course brings together people from across mental health and social care to develop social, environmental and financial sustainability in mental health services.  

The course is intended as an overview of the field for staff at any level who are new to sustainable mental healthcare.  The training will help you to understand why sustainability matters, then using case studies from the NHS as examples, you will gain the basic tools to implement sustainability projects in your area. The foundation courses also lay the groundwork for developing your skills further in the technical courses.

Please select one date:

  • Workshop: Tuesday 8 October 2024 [13.00-17.00 BST]
    • Self-study period opens: 10 September 2024

If you have booked on a course click here for access.

Pricing structure: £100 - £250 + VAT

book here

Course description

Sustainable healthcare delivers high quality care without damaging the environment, is affordable now and in the future and delivers positive social impact.

The interconnected processes of climate change and biodiversity collapse undermine mental health in a variety of ways. They disproportionately affect vulnerable groups, including individuals with pre-existing mental illness, and evoke powerful feelings and thoughts, especially for children and young people. Mental health services based on the principles of sustainable healthcare emphasize prevention and shape acute services around a triple bottom line of high quality, low carbon and low cost, employing nature-based solutions where appropriate. This course also highlights the leadership role mental health professionals can play in providing healthcare for all within planetary boundaries.    

This course is endorsed by 

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  1. Describe the risks the global environmental crisis presents to mental health and healthcare systems.
  2. Describe the contribution of the health sector to the global environmental crisis. 
  3. Understand the basic principles of climate literacy.
  4. Understand how sustainability can help to address existing challenges in the healthcare system.
  5. Apply the principles of sustainability to mental health services.
  6. Plan a project to improve the sustainability of healthcare in your workplace.

Course Structure

Part I.  Self-study online

Prepare for the workshop at your convenience using our interactive online self-study module, presented in bite-sized chunks. You will need about 4-6 hours to complete the self-study materials which cover all course content including background, theory and case studies, with links to further information depending on your level of interest.   Discussion points throughout the module allow you to reflect on your learning and familiarise yourself with fellow participants and their areas of interest and work.  At the end of the module, you are invited to sketch out a plan for a sustainability project you might want to undertake, in preparation for the workshop discussions.  The self-study module opens 3 weeks before, and remains available to you for 4 weeks after, the workshop. You can see a table of contents for the self study materials here.

The examples of projects that had worked well were inspirational and added another dimension to the educational material

Part II.  Live workshop online

The 4 hour virtual workshop consolidates your understanding of the course materials. Small group discussions with CSH experts and colleagues from around the world allow further exploration of topics that interest you and tips on how to translate your ideas into action.  The timetable includes pre-session technical assistance and networking, followed by a review of the self-study material with Q&A.  In breakout groups you will then share your ideas for a sustainability intervention in your setting and make plans to address it, using the range of resources, tools and methods developed by CSH and partners.

The most valuable aspects of the workshop? Networking with others, feeling more positive about what can be done, sharing of ideas and resources

Pricing Structure

Book here

Book a course with peace of mind: We realise that healthcare workers may have to change their plans at short notice. If you are unable to attend a workshop, we can offer you a workshop at a later date for no charge. We can also offer a refund as long as you cancel before the course opens for self-study, which is 4 weeks before the workshop. There will be an admin fee of £30 for refunds.

Courses are facilitated by experts drawn from the faculty below:

Dr Hayley Pinto, Education and Training Lead

Hayley Pinto is a consultant addiction psychiatrist who leads our Net Zero Leadership training and sustainable healthcare courses. Hayley has a degree in psychology and completed general practice training before pursuing a career in psychiatry. She has 30 years’ clinical and teaching experience in the NHS and publicly funded services and is a member of Health for XR, Psych Declares and a speak for Greenpeace UK.

Nuala Hampson, Pharmacy Lead and Senior Educator

Nuala Hampson is a pharmacist and educator. She sets strategy for sustainable pharmacy initiatives and facilitates the Net Zero Leadership training and sustainable healthcare courses. Nuala has over 20 years’ experience of clinical pharmacy in primary care and over 15 years’ experience in postgraduate pharmacy education. She is a member of Pharmacy Declares, a group of climate-conscious pharmacy professionals in the UK and joint lead of the Greener Primary Care Pharmacy Association. She co-chairs the national Sustainability in Pharmacy Education group.

stuartDr Stuart d’Arch Smith

Dr Stuart d’Arch Smith is a specialist registrar in psychiatry with South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and was the CSH Education Fellow for Sustainable Quality Improvement in 2019-20.


Jacob Krzanowski

Jacob is a specialist registrar in general adult psychiatry carrying out his training at the South London and Maudsley (SLaM) NHS Foundation Trust. He has an interest in the interface between mental health and green spaces having organised and implemented green-space walking groups for patients and staff. In 2018-19 he worked with CSH to establish the Green Walking Project to promote and facilitate green-space walking groups for psychiatric inpatients, in partnership with the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He continues to support this and other work through his role as CSH Associate.