Support our work

Much of the funding for our core costs is provided by donations and project-focused support. Our goal is to inspire, empower and mobilise decision-makers, staff, patients and carers to reduce healthcare's carbon footprint. We promote four core approaches: maintaining people's health/slowing the progress of illnesses; providing patient-centred care; developing leaner pathways of care and reducing the carbon impacts of care.

Donate with JustGiving

A regular donation will really help our small team to achieve the goal of sustainable healthcare. CSH has already influenced government policy, contributed to curriculum change in UK medical schools, won awards for the NHS Forest project and been cited in the influential Marmot Review for the Clinical Transformation Programme.

Leave a lasting legacy with a gift in your will

By remembering the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare in your will, you’ll leave an enduring gift that makes a real difference. Your legacy gift will make a lasting mark on the world and help our charity to support sustainable transformations to the UK health system, and influence others internationally, benefiting both people and the environment. Learn more

An alternative way to remember us is through online memorial tribute platforms such as These are websites with bespoke pages where friends and family can share memories and collect fundraising donations for causes close to their loved one's heart. 

What your money will support

The NHS Forest project supports healthcare sites in improving the quality of their green space for the benefit of patients, health staff and local residents and for greater biodiversity. This aids physical and mental wellbeing, as well as providing a carbon sink when trees are planted. Over 95,000 trees have been planted so far by over 290 sites around the UK.

The Sustainable Specialties Programme is intended to create networks of green champions sharing ideas to save resources, cut carbon emissions and pioneer better healthcare. CSH started this work in kidney care and 85% of NHS kidney units signed up to our renal network. More recently we established a mental health network with support from the Royal College of Psychiatry and have pioneered the Green Ward Competition as an award-winning, tried and tested programme for healthcare organisations to transform their services by cutting carbon, improving patient care and staff experience and saving money. 

A regular donation of £18 per month for 12 months plus Gift Aid will support a CSH Sustainability Network for a month. 

“The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is a unique and pioneering organisation, doing work that's essential to help us move towards a healthier society and healthier health services!” 

FY1 doctor and CSH supporter

Sponsor a tree in the NHS Forest

Our Tree Sponsorship Programme costs £10 per tree, which covers the cost of the tree, biodegradable stake and guard, and delivery. It also contributes to the NHS Forest network, allowing us to continue supporting NHS sites across the UK in maximising their green spaces. Learn more

Organisation partnerships and corporate support

CSH collaborates with a variety of organisations to develop and implement sustainable healthcare projects and educational programmes. Contact us if your organisation is interested in contributing to the global growth of sustainable healthcare via a core donation or project funding. 

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