Impact Report 2023

Centre for Sustainable Healthcare: 2023 Impact Highlights

Celebrating 15 Years of Transforming Healthcare for a Sustainable Future

In 2023, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) marked its 15th anniversary with remarkable growth and impactful achievements. Our mission to inspire and empower healthcare professionals, patients, and communities to integrate sustainability into healthcare has never been stronger.

Our Environmental Impact

Tree Planting and Green Space Initiatives:

This year, we planted 10,363 trees across 43 NHS sites, surpassing the 100,000-tree milestone in the NHS Forest. With new funding secured, we are set to plant 150,000 more trees by 2025, contributing to greener, healthier spaces across NHS sites.

Our NHS Forest network has grown to 377 member sites, reflecting our ongoing commitment to greening the NHS estate and connecting healthcare spaces with nature.

Our Green Space for Health team worked on improving NHS green estate biodiversity by conducting ecological assessments for 6 NHS sites and partnering with Forest Research to evaluate the financial value of trees in healthcare settings.

We also piloted the Tree Equity project in partnership with the Woodland Trust and American Forests. This project developed a transformative tool to assess urban tree canopy cover, ensuring equitable access to the health, economic, and climate benefits of trees.

Visual Suggestion: A timeline or infographic showing tree planting growth, biodiversity initiatives, and the Tree Equity project’s goals.

Driving Sustainable Healthcare

Green Team Competitions:

We partnered with 5 NHS Trusts, to deliver 6 Green Team Competitions. So far, the outcomes of 3 of them are known with combined savings of £790,000 and 287 tonnes CO2e. These competitions are transforming healthcare delivery to be more sustainable and cost-effective.

Visual Suggestion: A bar graph comparing CO2 savings and financial impact across different Trusts.

SusQI Academy Expansion:

Our Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) Academy now has members from the UK, Australia, and Canada. In 2023, over X healthcare professionals were trained—a X% increase from the previous year.

Visual Suggestion: World map highlighting the locations of SusQI Academy members.

Consulting and Expertise

Carbon Footprint Modelling:

Our sustainability analysts supported 15 scholars, facilitated 6 Green Team Competitions, and delivered 10 Carbon Footprinting Courses. We worked with various NHS organisations to estimate their baseline carbon footprint and monitor the impact of their carbon reduction initiatives.

We also collaborated with companies to assess the environmental impact of digital health technologies. For example, CSH partnered with Ufonia to evaluate how AI-driven care pathways could reduce carbon emissions in cataract surgery.

Visual Suggestion: Infographic showcasing carbon savings and various modelling projects.

CSH's Internal Carbon Audit:

In 2023, CSH conducted its first internal carbon footprint analysis as part of our commitment to reducing our own emissions. This comprehensive audit has laid the foundation for developing a carbon reduction plan aligned with the NHS's net-zero targets. Moving forward, we will continue to monitor and measure our carbon footprint annually to track progress and demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.

Consultation and Collaboration:

Thanks to the quality and growing reach of our educational programme, the CSH Education team has been increasingly invited to advise, participate, and collaborate on various projects supporting sustainable healthcare.

  • In 2023, we were featured speakers at the Clinical Pharmacy Congress, which led to an invitation to advise on the development of the Northern Ireland Medicines Strategy.
  • Our team provided expert advice to the Royal College of Psychiatrists for their Net Zero Mental Health Care guidance and education report.
  • We also delivered regular training sessions for members of the Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of General Practitioners.
  • Presented at the South East Clinical Senate on Sustainable Quality Improvement, and provided carbon literacy courses to healthcare staff in New South Wales, Australia.
  • Ran a train-the-trainer programme empowering medical educators in Wales to introduce sustainable healthcare and delivered training on Sustainability in Respiratory Care to physiotherapists in Ireland.

These consultations and collaborative efforts illustrate our role as a key adviser and educator in the healthcare sector, both within the UK and internationally.

Visual Suggestion: A world map highlighting the various locations and projects where CSH has provided consultancy and training services.

Board-Level Courses:

Our educational outreach expanded to provide Public Health Leadership for Sustainability courses aimed at senior healthcare leaders and board members. These courses empower decision-makers with the knowledge and skills needed to drive sustainability at the highest levels within their organisations.

Visual Suggestion: A graphic featuring course highlights, attendee statistics, and testimonials from senior leaders.

Events We Organise

NHS Forest Conference:

Our annual NHS Forest Conference attracted over 600 participants this year, focusing on the benefits of trees and woodlands as healthcare assets. Attendees learned about improving biodiversity, engaging with green spaces, and how NHS sites can implement green initiatives. We also announced the NHS Forest Awards Winners for sites going above and beyond in promoting biodiversity and connecting people with nature.

Visual Suggestion: Photo collage from the conference featuring key speakers, activities, and award winners.

SusQI Showcase:

The SusQI Showcase in May 2023 attracted over X participants this year and highlighted successful examples of Sustainability in Quality Improvement from our members and partners. With 200+ individuals trained in sustainability workshops, the event featured case studies and fostered discussions on integrating the “green lens” into healthcare projects.

Visual Suggestion: A highlight reel of testimonials and photos from the SusQI Showcase.

Voices from the Field

Impact Stories from the NHS Forest:

Our Nature Recovery Ranger programme has brought green spaces to life across NHS sites, fostering a sense of community and enhancing the natural environment. This year, we have many inspiring stories from our rangers and participants:

Nick White, Liverpool: As the Nature Recovery Ranger, Nick worked with the local community and hospital staff to enhance Bluebell Woods, an NHS Forest asset. This project won the Partnership Award at the inaugural Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (LUHFT) Sustainability Awards. Nick's efforts have not only improved biodiversity but also increased public access to the woodland, providing a calming, therapeutic environment for patients and staff.
"We’ve seen patients walking through our woodland walkway, taking time to sit and appreciate the environment. It’s been amazing." – Nick White, Nature Recovery Ranger

Billy Styles, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre: In January, Billy joined us as a Nature Recovery Ranger. He led a successful seed sowing workshop with over 40 attendees, where participants learned about regenerative, low-impact growing methods. The session was designed to be hands-on and accessible to everyone, enhancing the hospital's green spaces while providing an uplifting activity for staff and patients.
"Since we started working with the NHS Forest project, there has been fantastic engagement on-site. Staff are now suggesting more outdoor meetings, which has greatly improved wellbeing and morale."– Ginnie Abubakar, Cancer Support and Information Services Manager at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre

The Tree Equity Project: Our partnership with the Woodland Trust and American Forests brought the Tree Equity Score tool to the UK this year. This innovative tool helps identify where tree planting efforts are needed most to ensure everyone, including those on NHS sites, has equitable access to the health, economic, and climate benefits of trees.

Green Space for Health and Recovery:

At Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, the engagement with nature has extended beyond the rangers’ work. From hosting lunchtime planting sessions to creating new green areas, the project has sparked a change in how green spaces are used and appreciated.
"The impact of having a ranger on-site is fantastic. Every Trust needs a Nick!" – Nicola Daly, Head of Sustainability at LUHFT

Stories from the SusQI Programme:

The SusQI Showcase brought together healthcare professionals who shared their experiences and innovations in integrating sustainability into clinical practices. A highlight was the team from Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, who successfully incorporated sustainability into enteral feeding practices, significantly reducing the carbon footprint while maintaining high-quality patient care.
"This event was an eye-opener; it showed what's possible when applying a green lens to every healthcare project." – SusQI Showcase Participant

Volunteer Stories:

Our volunteers are the backbone of many of our initiatives. In 2023, 47 volunteers contributed a total of 4,714 hours, equivalent to 2.4 full-time employees. They supported everything from the Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) courses to our Green Space for Health programmes. One of our dedicated volunteers, Alice Clack, who worked on the SusQI education project, shared:
"Volunteering with CSH has allowed me to consolidate my ideas about sustainability in healthcare and gain hands-on experience in implementing change."

Visual Suggestion: Create a "Voices from the Field" photo carousel or video montage, featuring quotes, images, and short clips from rangers, healthcare professionals, and volunteers actively involved in these projects.

Strengthening Our Networks

Global Collaboration:

Our online Networks Platform now boasts over 6,200 members worldwide, sharing 834 resources and hosting 161 events. This vibrant community has become a global hub for sustainable healthcare discussions, providing a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Visual Suggestion: An interactive map showcasing the global reach of the Networks Platform.

Sharing Our Knowledge:

In 2023, CSH hosted 161 events, reaching over 6,643 people across 31 specialty networks, and we presented at 69 conferences and external events. This included our involvement in the inaugural Net Zero Clinical Care Conference 2023, hosted by the BMJ and UKHACC, the Our People Our Planet 2023 event, and the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, where we shared case studies, insights, and strategies for embedding sustainability into clinical practices.

Visual Suggestion: Photo carousel with images from various conferences and a list of key events attended.

Community and Volunteer Engagement

Volunteer Contributions:

In 2023, 47 volunteers contributed 4,714 hours to our projects, equivalent to 2.4 full-time employees. Their dedication is vital to advancing our mission and helping implement various initiatives across our programmes.

Visual Suggestion: A "Volunteer Spotlight" section featuring stories or quotes from key volunteers.

Impact in Numbers

Communications and Social Media Reach:

  • Website sessions: 103,671
  • News stories and blog posts: 56
  • Newsletter sign-ups: 
  • Social media: 276k+ Twitter impressions, 8,685 Twitter followers, 3,667 LinkedIn followers

Visual Suggestion: Infographic summarising these impact statistics to showcase the Centre’s influence and outreach.

Recognising Excellence

Awards and Recognition:

Our work was recognised with multiple awards, including being finalists in the 2023 Innovate Award for Net Zero Innovation and the XYXYYX. These accolades reflect the impact of our sustainability initiatives across the healthcare sector.

Visual Suggestion: A highlight reel of awards and recognitions received throughout the year.

Financial Growth and Future Plans

Financial Growth:

In 2023, we achieved a 33% increase in income, raising £1.6 million. This growth reflects the increasing demand for sustainable healthcare solutions and our expanding educational programmes. Our funding comes from a diverse mix of sources, including grants, educational courses, consultancy services, donations, and sponsorship.


The support of our sponsors has been instrumental in advancing our initiatives. In 2023, the NHS Forest benefited from ongoing corporate sponsorships, such as:

  • Tula Energy, who sponsored over 100 trees for the NHS Forest.
  • DSSR Consulting Engineers, who committed to an annual donation of 500 trees.
  • IQVIA, a global provider of analytics and clinical research services, and TePe, a leading oral health brand, both contributed trees throughout the year.
  • RSK Group, through a multi-year sponsorship agreement, has been providing advice, consultancy, and annual sponsorship for tree planting through our Trees Call to Action Fund grant.

These sponsorships, along with contributions from individual donors, have significantly supported our efforts to expand the NHS Forest and promote sustainability within healthcare.

Looking Ahead: 2024 and Beyond:

As we look to the future, we're excited to expand our Green Space for Health programme, launch new international collaborations, and continue driving sustainability through education and innovation. We plan to increase our sponsorship opportunities to support more tree planting, develop new educational resources, and extend the reach of our training and consultancy services.

Visual Suggestion: A pie chart illustrating the breakdown of income sources, including grants, courses, consultancy, donations, and sponsorship.


Engage with Us

  • Join the Green Team Competitions: NHS Trusts can partner with us to increase sustainability and save costs.
  • Access Our Resources: Learn how your organisation or clinical practice can become more environmentally sustainable.
  • Become a Sponsor: Support our programmes and help plant more trees in the NHS Forest.
  • Sign Up for Courses: Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to integrate sustainability into healthcare.
  • Volunteer with Us: Make a difference by lending your skills and time to our cause.

Call to Action Buttons:

Join Now | Access Resources | Become a Sponsor | Sign Up for Courses | Volunteer

Contact Us: | Follow Us: @SusHealthcare @NHSForest