Carbon Footprint Analysis Of Healthcare Products

In 2021-22 the NHS’s carbon footprint was 21.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. To reach net zero by 2045, all healthcare organisations must play their part. Calculating your organisation’s carbon footprint is an essential starting point to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions and provides important information for the development of your green plan or carbon reduction plan. It allows you to monitor your greenhouse gas emissions year on year and to understand your carbon hotspots enabling you to focus your sustainability efforts on the highest carbon areas.

Why is A Carbon Footprint Analysis Of A Healthcare Product Important? 

A product carbon footprint comprises the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by a product’s full life cycle, from extraction of raw materials to end of life. 

If you manufacture healthcare products, analysing your product’s carbon footprint will help your company understand its product climate change impact, identify the carbon hotspots in its life cycle and subsequently highlight options for carbon reduction. Medical and non-medical equipment make up 18% of NHS England’s carbon footprint, if the NHS is to make it to net zero by 2045, suppliers must ensure their products are as low carbon as possible.  

Healthcare organisations are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental credibility of their products, and from 2028 new requirements will be introduced to the NHS Net Zero Supplier Roadmap which will focus on carbon footprinting for individual products supplied to the NHS. Product carbon footprinting will meet the requirements and help your customers get a more accurate understanding of their supply chain emissions.  

What Is Involved In A Carbon FootPrint Analysis?  

We’ll undertake a process-based cradle-to-grave carbon footprint analysis of your product and its packaging, measuring the total GHG impact from raw material extraction through to manufacturing, transportation, usage and disposal. We’ll write up the analysis into a report with a breakdown of the carbon footprint impact of the product’s lifecycle stages. 

If the introduction of your product is changing the process of a clinical pathway or delivering a service, we can model the impact of the change on the GHG emissions embedded in the pathway/service. 

Who Is This Service For? 

Any organisation looking to understand the GHG emissions’ impact of their healthcare products. 

Success stories 

  • Evaluating the environmental impact before and after introducing Dora, an AI technology delivering autonomous phone conversations, to the cataract surgery pathway at four sites in England.  

How Much Does A Carbon Footprint Analysis Cost? 

Each healthcare provider throughout the sector is unique and will have a variety of needs and requirements. Our team of experts will work with you to make sure we meet the individual needs of your supply chain or business.

Please contact us for a bespoke quote for your organisation.