Volunteers, Interns, Elective Students

The Centre's work has been developed by staff and exceptionally committed volunteers from around the world.  Some have volunteered alongside a regular job, others intensively during the university holiday months, and some in their retirement.  All volunteering positions are remote.  If you would like to help our work, we ask for a minimum commitment of 6 hours per week for 6 months or 30 hours per week for a period of 4 weeks* 

To apply as a volunteer, intern or elective student please complete this form

The next induction dates are:

  • Monday 15 July 2024 (4:45 pm - 5:45 pm BST)

If you do not see a suitable date for your elective please contact educationadmin@sustainablehealthcare.org.uk to arrange an alternative. 

Programme Structure 

Induction: Once you are accepted you will be sent a package of preparatory instructions and activities. On the start date that you have chosen you will join an online induction to meet the Education Director, Volunteer Coordinator and discuss your interests and possible projects.  You will then be enrolled in our flagship course Introduction to Sustainable Healthcare and begin working on projects with CSH staff.

Weekly timetable:  You will work singly or in pairs with a CSH staff member on a sustainable healthcare project. On Thursdays at 4.45 pm an online meeting is held to to share progress and findings with each other.  New projects are assigned at that time; for full-time placements it is not uncommon to work on two or three different projects in a given week. 

*We consider volunteering to be an educational experience which is of most use for those who have at least 6 hours per week available. If you are not able to commit this amount of time, but would like to learn sustainable healthcare skills, please visit our free learning modules Building a Net Zero NHS and Sustainable Quality Improvement or join one of our short courses.

A few current volunteers are profiled below. Descriptions of student elective and internship experiences can be found here.

Grace is a GP registrar based in the North East of England. She graduated from Glasgow University in 2012 and after initially training in general medicine moved to the GP training scheme in 2018. She is a Green Champion for the Faculty of Sustainable Healthcare in the North East and is a co-chair of Greener Practice North East.

While studying for my masters in Occupational Therapy I hope to draw from my previous studies in philosophy to understand and contribute to sustainability practices within the healthcare sector. With a longstanding interest in environmental sustainability I hope to contribute to a more equitable healthcare service. One that can meet the needs of patients by incorporating practices that compliment rather than corrode our planet’s infrastructure.


I am a final year medical student at Cardiff. My interest in sustainbility in healthcare grew whilse I was studying for my Masters is Epidemiology. Learning about principles of One Health highlighted the importance of developing and promoting sustainable practices in healthcare to benefit our patients and the population. 

I am a junior at George Washington University in D.C. I major in neuroscience and minor in sustainability and anatomy. I have always been interested in sustainable health care since I have a lot of experience in both lab and clinical settings. I also work as a recruit at a fire station waiting to get my EMT and ALS certificates. I am interested in carbon footprinting for health care and paramedic sustainable healthcare. If possible I would also love to be involved in green infrastructure for sustainable healthcare.

I am a final year Pharmacy student at University College London. With a passion for science, medicine and the environment, I hope to develop new skills that will enable me to deliver patient-centred care using sustainable measures. 

I recently graduated with an MSc in Global Mental Health and Society at the University of Edinburgh where I researched the climate change-mental health nexus. I am curious and passionate about reimagining healthcare, particularly mental healthcare, in a more sustainable and intentional way. I look forward to engaging in projects that tap into the potential of nature based interventions and access to greenspace for health and well-being. 

I’ve been working as a GP for several years and I have recently completed a Masters in Global Public health at Queen Mary University. From this I developed a growing interest in planetary health, the climate and sustainability within healthcare systems and structures. I’m excited to have the opportunity to keep learning as well as starting to help contribute towards sustainable and equitable healthcare. 

I am a junior doctor currently based in Glasgow. I have always been interested in the environment and its relationship with health and healthcare. I recently completed a project exploring NHS carbon emissions, and this has inspired me to learn more about sustainable healthcare. I am excited to get involved in areas that benefit both the environment and health, such as the creation of green spaces.