Goodbye to Carey Newson, Green Space for Health Director

Wednesday, 27 July, 2022

We are very sad to say goodbye to Carey Newson, our Green Space and Health Director. Carey has been with CSH since 2018 and has brought a fantastic amount to the team in these four years.
With her background in journalism, experience in different sectors and broad interests, Carey brought clear-thinking to all her work. She conceived and lead several projects including the Space to Breathe study on health staff wellbeing which combined the best of academic rigour and real-life understanding. She brought the findings of this work to many audiences via a report, a conference, numerous presentations and social media.
Alongside managing ongoing community projects such as Bee HealthyFAST and Green Health Routes, Carey worked closely with our fundraiser to secure the £544,000 Green Recovery Challenge Fund grant in 2020 and developed the Green Space team from two people to 11 in the space of just a year. This entailed a complex juggling effort last year: shaping the project, working with multiple partners, hiring and managing new staff, delivering on the ground and reporting to the funder. Carey took on this huge task in her usual calm, positive and organised way and has reinvigorated the NHS Forest programme for the coming years.
We and all our partners appreciated Carey’s dedication, her principled leadership and the rigour she brought to reporting to funders. Those in her team benefitted from a very caring manager who did not shy away from anything and took time to discuss and get to the bottom of any issues in a truly thoughtful way.  
We wish Carey the very best in future work – and the life-balance!