SusQI and Education Fellows


Shashank Kumar


Shashank is a Senior Lecturer (on leave) at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, India. During his fellowship he worked closely with the CSH Education team.


  • Supported the design and launch of CSH's online sustainability courses
  • Completed a doctoral research project on how doctors' sustainable healthcare efforts in England can inform similar change efforts in medical education and training at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

Following the Fellowship, Shashank project-managed the launch of the Green Surgery Report (a collaboration between UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, Brighton and Sussex Medical School and CSH).


  1. Doctor's efforts to reform medical practice in England for climate change mitigation: Insights for implementing medical education and training reforms. University of Toronto doctoral thesis. Read more here and download the full report and summary of how doctor's efforts between 2008 and 2020 have resulted in institutionalisation of sustainable healthcare as a key priority for the NHS in England from our Networks page
  2. Green Surgery Report

Summary: Shashank's work has been integral not only for the understanding of what doctors have done in order for sustainability to become mainstream but also to show practically how this learning can be used to influence medical education and training. Connect with him via the CSH Networks.

Dr Victoria Stanford


SusQI EDUCATION FELLOW 2021-22 hosted by CSH


Peer-reviewed articles

  1. Stanford V, Barna S, Gupta D, Mortimer F. (2023) Teaching skills for sustainable health care. The Lancet Planetary Health 7 (1) E64-76
  2. Spooner R, Stanford V, Parslow-Williams S, Mortimer F, Leedham-Green K. "Concrete ways we can make a difference": A multi-centre, multi-professional evaluation of sustainability in quality improvement education. Medical Teacher, 44(10) 1116-1124
  3. Stanford V, Clack A, Mortimer F, Leedham-Green K. Strategies for implementing Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) education: educator perspectives. In submission


Having trained as a doctor at Severn Deanery and completed a Masters of Public Health at the French National School of Public Health(EHESP) Victoria joined CSH as our SusQI Education fellow. Victoria's work was vital in embedding SusQI in teaching and curricula around the UK and in furthering the understanding of how to teach SusQI and talk to students and health professionals about climate change and actions they can take. Connect with her via the CSH Networks.

Dr. Rosie Spooner

SusQI EDUCATION FELLOW 2020-21hosted by CSH


  • Supported the delivery of CSH's Sustainability in QI Education project, including teaching, faculty development and evaluation at beacon sites
  • Teaching at King’s College London to help integrate SusQI into their teaching programme
  • Designing the SusQI website
  • Contributing to the e-learning for healthcare module on sustainable healthcare and teaching on the CSH courses
  • Developing and co-leading the Paediatric Sustainability Network

Peer-reviewed articles

  1. Spooner R, Clack A, Parslow-Williams S & Mortimer F (2022) Empowering students and health worker to take action on climate change. Medical Teacher, 45(4): 444-445
  2. Spooner R, Stanford V, Parslow-Williams S, Mortimer F, Leedham-Green K. "Concrete ways we can make a difference": A multi-centre, multi-professional evaluation of sustainability in quality improvement education. Medical Teacher, 44(10) 1116-1124
  3. Spooner R, Glover Williams A & Roome C. (2022) Improving the environmental sustainability of paediatric care. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Education and Practice, 108(3): edpract-2021-322933 
  4. Issa R, Baker C, Spooner R, et al. (2021) Mapping the movement for climate change and health in England: a descriptive review and theory of change analysis. Perspectives in Public Health, 141(6):328-337.



Dr Rosie Spooner took up the post of QI Education Fellow at CSH when a Paediatric Trainee (St5) in Severn Deanery.  Rosie’s influential work led on the integration of SusQI into universities and postgraduate education programmes for doctors and health professionals. She created the SusQI website to host SusQI resources, developed education materials and founded the Paediatric Sustainability Network. Her work with Kings College London integrating SusQI into their teaching programme was shortlisted as a runner up for the Green Gown Awards for sustainability in higher education. Connect with Rosie through the CSH Networks.


Dr Ayoma Ratnappuli


Ayoma is an HIV/Genitourinary Medicine specialist registrar who has taken a year out of training to take up the post of Sustainable Quality Improvement Education Fellow at CSH 2023-2024. Ayoma is working alongside the team to embed and spread SusQI into undergraduate and postgraduate education. Connect with her via the CSH networks.

Dr Alice Clack

Dr Alice Clack


Alice is a consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist who since completing training has worked in The Gambia, Liberia and Sierra Leone as a specialist and educator, and with Chelsea and Westminster NHS trust and Betsi Cadwaladr NHS trust as a Locum Consultant. During her fellowship she supported the CSH SusQI team to promote and support the inclusion of SusQI into undergraduate and postgraduate health professions education. Alice wrote a chapter on sustainability for a generalism textbook, worked with the RCOG to create a movement towards sustainable Obstetric care and launched a new CSH Women's Health Sustainable Network. Connect with her via the Network.

Dr. Stuart d'Arch Smith



Dr Stuart d’Arch Smith was a specialist registrar in psychiatry with South London and Maudsley NHS trust and took a year out of training to join CSH for an education fellowship, helping to launch the Sustainability in QI Education project. Connect with him via the CSH Networks.